Tuesday, January 26, 2010

San Francisco Old Timers Baseball Association

This my first attempt at blogging and I wanted to introduce myself to people that have the same passion about baseball as I do. I write a monthly newsletter for the San Francisco Old Timers baseball Association. Our membership (350) is mostly made of up former baseball players either professionals or semi-pro players. We meet once a month for a dinner meeting and have other social functions during the month and year. In my newsletter I generally feature one of the members or bring up things that happened through the years in baseball. We are one of the few Old Timer Baseball organizations in the country as we began in 1941. I would like to hear from people that can relate to baseball back in the day in California or for matter anywhere. In the 1930's to 60's baseball was the number sport in Northern California and semi-pro teams and games flourished every Sunday in all parts of area whether in was the big city or same towns. So if you would like to visit this blog and talk about the game as it was or is please drop me a note.

John McCarthy
Editor, San Francisco Old Timers Baseball Association

1 comment:

  1. John, would you recommend a speaker on historic baseball for our group www.ilcenacolosf.com is composed of 200 men mostly of Italian heritage. Call me on how to contact you or email me, Bill Nuerge wmax22@sbcglobal.net or phone 415-221-3707.

    Thanks, Bill
